No.1 for word-of-mouth information on traveling with children! / Eating out and going out for parents and children are easy to find.
★ 2015年 Google ベストアプリに選出されました!★ 2015年キッズデザイン賞 受賞!comolib (コモリブ) の特徴・全国のパパ・ママが行った子連れのおでかけスポットの口コミが豊富に掲載。親目線で実際に「行って良かった」スポットの情報が満載なので、信頼できる。・プロフィールの登録や口コミの投稿など、アプリを使い続けるうちに、自分に合った施設が自動的にでてくるようになる。・たばこ、おむつ替え施設の有無、授乳室の有無、個室の有無、ベビーカー入店の可否など、小さな子ども・赤ちゃん連れのお出かけに必要な情報もまとめて掲載!施設の子連れ歓迎度が一目でわかる。・対象年齢は0-9歳。小学生に人気の知育スポット、社会科見学施設、体験型のワークショップを開催する施設も多数掲載!便利な機能・「行った」の登録:自分がおでかけした先を登録しておこう。施設の口コミとして表示され、他の家族に役立つかも!・「行きたい」の登録:家族で行きたいスポットを登録しておこう。週末に見返して、おでかけプランニングの参考に!・近くを検索:近所の子連れ歓迎施設を検索しよう。家族でおでかけした先で重宝!・絞込検索:「ベビーカー入店の可否」「おむつ替え施設の有無」「授乳室の有無」「個室あり」「全席禁煙」などの条件で絞りこめる。子ども・赤ちゃんの年齢にぴったりの施設を見つけよう!・ジャンル検索:親子で楽しめるおでかけスポットを目的やジャンル別に検索できるこんなシーンでお使いください・家族でお出かけというと、同じような所にばかり行っていてちょっとマンネリ気味。口コミで評判の良い場所を探してみよう・今週末家族でどこにいこうかな。通勤途中に気になる場所を幾つか「行きたい」登録。あとで行きたいリストを見ながら妻と話そう・今日の友達との子連れランチどこに行こう。友達の子どもはまだ小さいから授乳室のある施設を検索・お出かけ先で少し時間が余ったな。近くの施設を検索して、親子で2-3時間をつぶせる遊び場を探そう ★ 2015 Best Google App! ★ Received the Kids Design Award 2015! Comolib features ・ Abundant reviews of outing spots for families with dads and moms from all over Japan. It is reliable because it is full of information on spots that were "good to go" from the parents perspective.・ As you continue to use the app, such as registering profiles and posting word-of-mouth, facilities that suit you will come out automatically.・ Tobacco, diaper changing facilities, nursing rooms, private rooms, stroller entry, and other information required for traveling with small children and babies are also posted! You can see at a glance the degree of welcome of children at the facility.・ Target age is 0-9 years. There are many educational spots, social studies tour facilities, and many facilities that hold hands-on workshops that are popular among elementary school students! Useful features ・ Registration of “Go”: Register where you went. It is displayed as a review of the facility and may help other families!・ Registration of “I want to go”: Register the spots you want to go with your family. Look back on the weekend for outing planning!・ Search nearby: Search for nearby welcoming facilities. Useful at the place where you went out with your family!・ Narrowing down search: Narrow down by conditions such as “whether or not baby strollers can enter the store”, “whether there is a diaper change facility”, “whether there is a nursing room”, “there is a private room”, or “all seats are non-smoking”. Find the perfect facility for your child and baby!・ Genre search: Search for outing spots that can be enjoyed by parents and children by purpose and genre Please use this scene ・ When I go out with my family, I often go to similar places and feel a bit rude. Find reputable places by word of mouth・ Where can I go with my family this weekend? Register "Want to go" some places you are worried about during your commute. Talk to your wife while looking at the list you want to go to later・ Lets go for lunch with a friend today. Find a facility with a nursing room because my friends child is still small・ I have a little extra time at the destination. Search for nearby facilities to find a playground where parents and children can spend 2-3 hours■ v1.6.2・プロフィールの画像のアップロードが行えない問題を修正